[Lady Shirts & Corporate Uniform] Post changed: Promosi Terhad: Dapatkan Baju Korporat Impian Anda Sekarang Juga

Post changed

designuniforms made the following changes to the “Promosi Terhad: Dapatkan Baju Korporat Impian Anda Sekarang Juga[edit] Post on 15 July, 2023 at 7:00 UTC

Revision @ 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Current post @ 2023-07-15 07:00:49


Deleted: <img src="ii_ljxqtn2p0" alt="photo_6060125969517229571_w.jpg" width="543" height="543" /><img src="ii_ljxqtn2w1" alt="photo_6060125969517229572_w.jpg" width="543" height="543" /><img src="ii_ljxqtn312" alt="photo_6060125969517229573_w.jpg" width="543" height="543" /><img src="ii_ljxqtn353" alt="photo_6060125969517229574_x.jpg" width="543" height="543" /><img src="ii_ljxqtn3a4" alt="photo_6060125969517229575_x.jpg" width="543" height="543" /><img src="ii_ljxqtn3e5" alt="photo_6060125969517229576_x.jpg" width="543" height="543" /> Added: [gallery]
Unchanged: Baju korporat Creeper Creative 👔 Unchanged: Baju korporat Creeper Creative 👔
Unchanged: ✅ Kualiti jahitan yang sangat kemas Unchanged: ✅ Kualiti jahitan yang sangat kemas


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